Welcome to the Halla Online Store, where the traditional Northern spirit merges with modern well-being innovation. We want to share our story, which originates from the heart of Northern Finland and draws inspiration from the plunge culture.

In the landscapes of Northern Finland, where snow-covered forests and serene lake views create a breathtaking backdrop, a remarkable cultural tradition thrives – the "plunge" experience. A “plunge”, a hole cut into the frozen surface of a lake, offers an opportunity for a refreshing plunge into icy waters, believed to invigorate the body and mind.


Halla Pod is an easily assembled and inflatable tub. The tub and cover are inflated using the hand pump provided in the package. The tub is filled with cold water and is ready for use! The included cover protects the tub when stored outdoors. The tub has a drain valve, making it easy to empty. Halla Pod is easy to transport as it can be packed into a small space.

The health benefits of cold plunging

Kylmähoito auttaa lihaksia palautumaan nopeammin voimakkaan treenaamisen jälkeen, sillä verenkierto nopeutuu.

Aineenvaihdunta nopeutuu, sekä verenkierto vahvistuu.

Helpottaa nivelten ja lihasten tulehduksia, sillä paikallisverenkierto vahvistuu

Kylmäpulahduksilla on myös mielialaa parantavia vaikutuksia. Kylmälle altistaminen vapauttaa endorfiineja, joka tuottaa mielihyvää.

Kylmäpulahdus ennen nukkumaanmenoa parantaa unta. Kylmäpulahduksissa verisuonista vapautuu serotoniinia, joka parantaa unensaantia.


Growing up amidst the arctic landscapes of Finland and icy lakes, we came to appreciate the transformative effects of cold water on both the body and the mind. These experiences ignited our mission to share this age-old Finnish tradition with the world.

Halla Cold Plunge is a company founded in Northern Finland in 2023 that aims to share the joy of cold plunging with the world. The mission of Halla is to offer the benefits of ice swimming to everyone, regardless of age or life circumstances.